Shaping the future


Education is crucial for personal growth, skill-building, and equal opportunities. It fosters critical thinking and innovation, and investing in it secures a better future.


Sports have numerous benefits for children's physical, mental, and social health. Apart from improving fitness, coordination, and motor skills, they also offer a healthy outlet for stress relief.


Robotics and coding are essential technology fields today. Robotics designs and operates robots for various tasks, while coding creates specific language instructions for computers.

Matiwane Combined School Mission

Our aim is to provide a high-quality education that nurtures and inspires learners to become creative, honourable, and successful individuals who are respected and serve with a generous spirit. We create an exemplary learning community that values equity and diversity.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide all learners with an engaging, quality and sound education delivered by a well-trained staff, resulting in improved learner academic achievement. 

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Years of Experience
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